What makes a HappyLight Therapy Lamp different from an ordinary lamp?

Bright light therapy has been studied extensively since the early 1980s and has clinically proven effects on mood, energy, focus & sleep. Though the bulb in the HappyLight© Therapy Lamp looks like a regular bulb, HappyLight© therapy lamps are uniquely designed with a special ballast to ensure a lux measurement (or light intensity) far greater than an ordinary lamp. It is the amount of lux - and brightness of the lamp - that makes the HappyLight© effective. If you are new to light therapy and the science behind it, we highly recommend Dr. Norman Rosenthal's book Winter Blues if you'd like to learn more.

II you have any further questions, please reach out to us by submitting a ticket or calling 1-657-275-3734 Monday through Friday 8 am PST to 5 pm PST.

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